VORBESTELLUNG! Artikel erscheint vorraussichtlich 1. Quartal 2025!
Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios präsentiert eine Reihe von großartigen Actionfiguren.
Diese Actionfigur ist ca. 15 cm groß und wird in einer Fensterbox geliefert.
Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:
As a remote planet, Thraxxon is very primitive from a technological standpoint. While the Thraxxians eschew any non-native technology, the Veeblians revere that same tech, treating it with fascination and giddy excitement. Part of a structured, hive-like society with homes built into the vast cliffs that rise from the valleys of Thraxxon, Veeblians adorn those homes with the discarded technological curiosities that they find. Most Veeblians view these trinkets as mysterious treasures, but some, like UkHa, have learned how to repair and use some of the items which they have found, making them even more revered by their tribes.
The OxKrewe are cautious as they make contact with another native of Thraxxon, but UkHa quickly puts the crew at ease and makes himself useful. Helping the crew’s mechanic, Kogg, repair some demolition gear, the Veeblian also provides the crew with some invaluable insights about the planet which they find themselves stranded on and the species which call Thraxxon home.
Subject Information
Name - Common Use: UkHa
Name - Full: UkHa
Race: Veeblian
Affiliation: Unaffiliated Citizens of Cosmerrium
Planet of Origin: Thraxxon
Toy Details
Released In: OxKrewe - Book One, Thraxxon
Accessories: Staff, goggles, hip pack, back cannister
Additional Heads: Yes - 2 heads, one with goggles on and one with them off
Warnhinweis nach EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie: Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.
Achtung: Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.
Sammlerstücke für rein dekorative Zwecke. Kein Spielzeug, sondern ein Sammelartikel. Ab 14+ Jahren. Siehe "Richtlinie 2009/48/EG Anhang Nr. 2“.
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