Cosmic Legions: The Shadow Circle (Exclusive)


inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand, ab 4,99€ nach Dtl., falls lagernd, Lieferzeit 2-9 Tage*


VORBESTELLUNG! Artikel erscheint vorraussichtlich 3. Quartal 2024!

Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios präsentiert eine Reihe von großartigen Actionfiguren.
Diese Actionfigur ist ca. 15 cm groß und wird in einer Fensterbox geliefert.

One thing we have heard loud and clear from Cosmic Legions fans is that they want more soldiers to build with. Well, our new Shadow Circle deluxe set will be exactly what they are looking for!
This set includes a ton of pieces to create multiple looks. You get 2 sets of upper and lower arms to create very different styles for this soldier, plus 4 total heads, extra hands, 3 neck pegs, 2 chest plates, a bubble helm, and 3 blasters! Mix and match with this set or
other Cosmic Legions figures for nearly endless options!

The Universe can be an unpredictable and dangerous place, which was exactly what Ph’shr Ryyce was counting on when he resigned from his position as a T.U.5.C.C. Security Chief to start his own private enterprise called The Shadow Circle. Nicknamed the “Adventure Squadron”, this team is called in to assist with rescue missions, item acquisitions and retrievals, security details, or other jobs where a diverse set of skills and a commitment to discretion is required. While many would assume that The Shadow Circle are mercenaries willing to work for whomever will pay their fees, the reality is that Ph’shr is very selective in the assignments he accepts. There are carefully calculated reasons behind the clients he works with and the alliances he has begun to forge, for in a universe that is unpredictable and dangerous, who you know and who owes you favors can be the difference between life and death.

Subject Information
Name - Common Use: The Shadow Circle / Adventure Squadron
Name - Full: Ph’shr Ryyce / various
Race: Various
Affiliation: Unaffiliated Citizens of Cosmerrium
Planet of Origin: Various

Released In: 2024 Retailer Appreciation Wave
Accessories: 2 pistols and 1 rifle, extra sets of hands
Additional Heads: 4 heads total - Ph’shr Ryyce, 6-eyed alien, and 2 T.U.5.C.C.-issue helmets


    Warnhinweis nach EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie: Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.
    Achtung: Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.
    Sammlerstücke für rein dekorative Zwecke. Kein Spielzeug. Siehe "Richtlinie 2009/48/EG Anhang Nr. 2“.

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