Mythic Legions: Sir Andrew


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Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios präsentiert eine Reihe von großartigen Actionfiguren "Mythic Legions: All Stars 6".

Diese Actionfigur ist ca. 15 cm groß und wird in einer Blisterverpackung geliefert.

Character Details
Faction: Order of Eathyron
Race: Human
Role: Pyromancer

Released In: All Stars 6
Accessories: Templar sword with scabbard, dagger with sheath, large Elf sword, kite shield, sword flame effect, magic spell effect, 3 sets of hands
Additional Heads: Yes - chainmail coif with new faceplate and new visor, plus "Repentant" pig-face helmet head first released with the Figura Obscura Father Christmas

Born to a humble conjuror and witch, Andrew grew up on the eastern base of the Evergray Mountains. Raised to be a caretaker to the wild, tragedy struck his quiet life while misusing a powerful spell of renewal on a “dying” flame. The spell was too much for the young boy to control, and Andrew accidentally blasted the small home he shared with his family, killing them all instantly.

Responding to the great mystical energies he felt unleashed nearby, Jorund Runeshaper found the grieving fledgling magic user trying to revive his parents using more spells that he was ill-prepared to cast. Taking pity on the orphan and seeing great potential in his abilities, Jorund took Andrew under his wing. The dwarven mage vowed to guide his new charge and help to harness the flame that grew within him for the cause of good. Trained for years in the magical schools of Ophidionn, Sir Andrew eventually became a powerful pyromancer, a discipline as rare as it is powerful.

Seeking absolution for his greatest mistake, Andrew eventually traveled to Eathyross where he joined the Order. Committed to protecting life the way he was raised to by his family, Andrew vowed to use his flames to destroy any who would seek to do evil.

Recognized for his convictions and devotion to The Order, Sir Andrew now leads The Repentant, a small band of criminals who volunteered to fight the undead to atone for past wrongdoings. Sir Andrew’s flames destroy the undead enemy and his fallen allies alike…for what is ash cannot rise again.

Note: Character design and story by Joe Vasapollo


Warnhinweis nach EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie: Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.
Achtung: Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.
Sammlerstücke für rein dekorative Zwecke. Kein Spielzeug, sondern ein Sammelartikel. Ab 14+ Jahren. Siehe "Richtlinie 2009/48/EG Anhang Nr. 2“.

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