Cosmic Legions: Kurnn Ray


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VORBESTELLUNG! Artikel erscheint vorraussichtlich 4. Quartal 2024!

Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios präsentiert eine Reihe von großartigen Actionfiguren.
Diese Actionfigur ist ca. 15 cm groß und wird in einer Fensterbox geliefert.

Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:
Relieved at having survived multiple threats to their camp, the OxKrewe take a few moments to celebrate and recognize that, despite all the hardships they have faced since their crash, they are lucky to still be together. As the celebration winds down, the crew spot a stranger on the horizon. Heavily armed and well equipped, this mysterious character seems to be watching the camp, but before the OxKrewe can investigate, the stranger disappears.

Kurnn Ray knows she was spotted, something she had hoped to avoid as she tried to investigate what was clearly a ship’s crash site. Seeing the crash’s survivors and their camp, she knows she must report back immediately. Finding a hiding spot in the base of the Thraxxface, she removes her helmet and heavy coat as she fires up her communications gear. That gear is archaic, but it works as she taps a message to her people. “Intruders here. Come get.”, she writes. A light blinks, confirming that the message has been received, and that her people are on their way.

Subject Information
Name - Common Use: Kurnn
Name - Full: Kurnn Ray
Race: Athocrian
Affiliation: Data is incomplete at this time
Planet of Origin: Jeeyor

Toy Details
Released In: OxKrewe - Book One, Thraxxon
Accessories: Staff
Additional Heads: Yes - full helmet plus unhelmeted head


    Warnhinweis nach EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie: Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.
    Achtung: Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.
    Sammlerstücke für rein dekorative Zwecke. Kein Spielzeug. Siehe "Richtlinie 2009/48/EG Anhang Nr. 2“.

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